Irlen East for the east of England

07745 333314

Irlen Syndrome is not a vision problem in the accepted sense and sufferers often have no difficulty reading.

Irlen Syndrome is a complex condition which causes stress to the individual resulting in a variety of problems.

These problems can range from physical symptoms including:

chronic migraines

eye strain



and abdominal pain

Neurological and psychological symptoms such as:

depression and anxiety

sensory overload

low confidence

and lack of self-esteem

The educational difficulties are more widely known, such as:

reading and comprehension problems

handwriting difficulties

attention deficits

behavioural difficulties

under achievement in exams for an otherwise bright child

Undiagnosed, the problems continue into adulthood bringing the same difficulties to the work place and home.

It is a complex and variable condition which can often coexist with learning difficulties. Irlen Syndrome may be found in combination with dyslexia, autism, ADHD, dyspraxia, dysphasia, or hyperactivity. This light sensitivity can also lead to overloading the other senses, often triggering distress and migraines.

Irlen Screeners are certified to administer the first testing session and determine whether an individual will benefit from further evaluation for Irlen Spectral Filters,  the specific areas of improvement, and the amount of improvement for reading and other academic activities. There are thousands of certified Irlen Screeners worldwide. For a screener near to you, contact Irlen East. Irlen diagnosticians are certified to administer both diagnostic screening and testing for tinted spectral filter lenses.

Only Irlen Diagnosticians are certified to test and determine your customised spectral filters worn as Irlen glasses or contact lenses.

The brain scan illustrates the difference within the brain of a sufferer of Irlen Syndrome.  The person was reading during this scan.

The top picture shows the individual's brain being overloaded with information and busy.

The bottom picture is the same person's brain, this time whilst wearing Irlen Spectral Filters. 


It was lovely to meet you too. Thank you for your help - He is still beaming today and read very happily to his brother last night to show him what a difference the overlay makes. His brother too was shocked at the difference and I can't wait for him to get his lenses.

I just wanted to update you on how our son is doing since having his lenses, his confidence in his ability to do well has risen immensely. He recently completed his mocks which his teachers have said how well he is doing and managed an A in cooking! I also received an email from his teacher to say how well he is doing with his reading and wanted to give him credit where credit was due. Lastly we just received an invitation to go to his school for an event in which he has been nominated for the most improved attitude towards learning award and we will be attending this on Thursday evening.

We cannot express how proud we are of him and how far he has come in such a short time, thank you so much for helping us we are so grateful, you do an amazing job and helped him more than I can explain!

Thank you.

I have now received my new glasses and am wearing them all the time. Wow I never realised I was seeing everything in 2D, it is great seeing things in depth

Many thanks

Call us: + 07745 333314

Copyright Irlen East 2019

 All Rights Reserved


Irlen East the Irlen Centre covering East of England

Copyright © 1998-2006 by Perceptual Development Corp/Helen Irlen. All rights reserved

Copyright © 1998-2019 by Perceptual Development Corp/Helen Irlen. All rights reserved